Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Introducing Myself

Hello, my name is Jason and I just need to start out by asking, "what's the difference between a raven and a writing desk?" And I would like to answer my self by replying, "I haven't the slightest idea." but I digress. you maybe asking yourself what is this blog gonna be about, well put simply it's going to be about....... everything and anything I can think of or ideas that you want me to do a post on.

I'm just your average teenager who is tired of the same old B.S. that we are put through everyday, i think that people don't question the world around them, they just do as there told, laugh at things that are not funny, following a crowd, being in a click. They conform to their environment which makes that person(s) a douche bag.

Enough on that to a lighter side, I wanted to show you guys how f***ed up this world really is by telling you people about items and events and other things that keep us from evolving into a higher "beings" of sorts.

I want to, hopefully, accomplish this through humor and my own personally observation's that hopefully most of you who read this can relate to. I understand that this post is anything but funny, far from it actually but I just want to introduce myself and let you people know what I plan on informing you about.

If through this I touch on person, I will be like a little school girl at a Miley Cyrus concert.
Maybe I might be touched by one person, just like a priest at a catholic school, who can turn me into a bigger and better person.

I play guitar and write alot of my own stuff, such as:

I will try to post a new blog at least once a week, I have a ot of times on my hand because I don't do my homework. and since masturbation only takes up about 30 seconds of my week I will have plenty of time for research and writing.(I'm kidding about the masturbation, its more like a minute)

Thanks for reading (and I promise the next one will be funnier),